Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sleeping Like a Baby....

I never really understood that expression... does it mean that you sleep for a couple hours and then wake up hungry? Or are they talking about how deep babies tend to sleep that you can vacuum and they don't budge? Just something I was thinking about at the 4 am feeding last night.

Bridget is almost 3 weeks old already! I can't believe how much she has changed in that short of time. It's crazy! From day 1 she has been taking everything in with wide eyed splendor, when she is awake, but now you can tell she is focusing more and really getting good looks at stuff. She has also been really strong with picking her head up since the first day, but now she can hold it up longer and turn it more easily. Now that she has gotten the hang of eating... that's all she wants to do it seems like! =) Well enough bragging for one day... Happy *late* Mother's Day to everyone!

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