Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bridget Ann Preston!

So it's been an eventful week.... Bridget Ann Preston decided to arrive 2 days before her due date! She was born Wed April 22, 2009 at 2:54 pm. She was 6 lbs 15.6 oz and 21 inches long. Everything went well and we are both doing perfectly! (Daddy is also doing super... he even changes poopy diapers!) We arrived home friday afternoon and have just been trying to adjust to the new schedule. =) Bridget has been actually sleeping pretty well so far. (now that I have said this, I'm sure it will change) I will post some pictures soon!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

8 More Days...

So only 8 more days until the baby is due.... except the doctor said to not get worried if my due date comes and goes with no labor. This makes me think that he isn't expecting the little one to want to come out that soon. Oh well, things aren't unbearable yet. Dr. George did say that I was dilated 1 cm (whoopie!) and the baby was sitting very low.... so we'll see.

I have been so excited about the baby lately, especially on Dr appt days cause I get to hear it and see if I'm any closer to having it. Thinking about the new little life that will be just starting and all the wonderful things that he/she will get to learn and experience. Just this afternoon, after the Doctors, I found out that a guy I was in FA training with passed away. (he had been battling cancer for awhile now.) It really made me take pause and think... one life on the verge of starting while another has just ended. (I won't go on and on and get everyone in a funk.) It just made me really aware of how thankful and blessed I am.

Anyway.... on a lighter note...

Question of the Day:

How come you can kill a deer and mount it on your wall, but it is illegal to keep one as a pet?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Question of the Day

If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't that make the opposite of progress congress??

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Full Moon Tonight....

So yesterday I went to the Dr. for my weekly check up. However, since I am not having contractions he didn't do an internal. So I have nothing new to report. At last weeks appointment I was 50% effaced. (I won't tell you what that means if you don't know.... just that you have to be 100% to actually have the baby.)

Well tonight is a full moon! Maybe baby time?? No I don't feel like it is going to come yet, but they do say you are more likely to have your water break when it is a full moon....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ultrasound Pics

Getting Ready for Baby Preston!

It's getting close.... baby Preston is due on April 24th! Only 18 days left (hopefully)! =) Things are looking good so far. Yesterday we went and pre-registered at the hospital and took a tour. I have my next appointment on Wed. The baby's room is half done... can't finish it until we know if the baby is a boy or a girl. Speaking of knowing.... we still don't have a boys name picked out. If you have any ideas, we would love to hear it! Take care!!